We can assist your company to meet its statutory obligations under the Corporations Law on an ongoing basis unless you instruct us otherwise with services including:

  • Reviewing the status on an annual basis as per Section 45A of Corporations Act 2011 (CA)
  • Providing annual statements issued by the Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC)
  • Preparing Solvency Resolutions for consideration and signing by the company’s directors
  • Notifying ASIC of changes to certain particulars relating to your company, its officers and members
  • Maintaining Registers for Members and their Shareholdings as per Section 169 CA
  • Maintaining necessary conscents to as as directors, secretary and other appointments
  • Preparing minutes/declarations of resolutions or notices for consideration and signing by the company’s officers and members as instructed

As a registered ASIC agent we can also assist with advising Officers/Members of corporate governance matters, facilitate the convention of meetings and provide the services and facilities of a registered office.