Authority for super complaints introduced

The new Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) will make it easier for individuals and small businesses to make complaints about their superannuation financial firms. The Coalition government has responded to criticisms of previous dispute resolution bodies by creating a new financial disputes framework. AFCA has been described as a “one-stop shop” that will improve outcomes…

Employer SuperStream checklist

Employers must make superannuation contributions on behalf of their employees. SuperStream is the ATO’s electronic and standardised solution that streamlines the super payment process. Using SuperStream for employers means: You can use one online channel to pay multiple funds Less room for error during data entry, due to fewer steps Transactions reach funds faster ObligationsYou…

Paying super to contractors

The ATO classifies contractors paid for their labour as employees for superannuation guarantee purposes. This is the case even if the contractor quotes an Australian Business Number (ABN). Eligibility requirementsSuper contributions must be made for these individuals if you pay them: Under a verbal or written contract that is wholly or principally for their labour-…

Trustee reporting obligations checklist

Trustees must comply with reporting obligations to avoid penalties from the ATO. The following trustee reporting checklist to make sure you are stress-free at tax-time. Trustees must: Value the funds’ assets at their market value at 30 June Pay any minimum annual income stream payments required under super laws Get an actuarial certificate if required…

Event-based reporting framework for SMSFs

The event-based reporting (EBR) framework for self-managed super funds (SMSFs) commenced on 1 July 2018. The initiative allows for the administration of the Transfer balance cap (TBC). Under the EBR framework, you need to report to the ATO, when the first member of your SMSF begins a retirement phase income stream. The SMSF annual return…

Managing risk in your SMSF

SMSFs provide the trustee autonomy and an increased opportunity to maximise your retirement savings. However, an investment strategy must be accompanied by a risk management plan should some of your investments come up short. Consider the following risk management strategies: DiversificationDiversification reduces risk by investing in many different assets including property, annuities and equities. By…